Terms & Policies

Quota Policy

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Quota Requirements

Team Member Quota

– Minimum number of minutes: 60
– Minimum number of active minutes: 60 (time spent typing is also considered active time, although it is categorized differently)
– Minimum number of messages: 50

Management Team Quota

– Minimum number of minutes: 180
– Minimum number of active minutes: 180 (time spent typing is also considered active time, although it is categorized differently)
– Minimum number of messages: 500

Corporate Quota

– Minimum number of minutes: 300
– Minimum number of active minutes: 300 (time spent typing is also considered active time, although it is categorized differently)
– Minimum number of messages: 1000

Head Office Quota

– Minimum number of minutes: 500
– Minimum number of active minutes: 500 (time spent typing is also considered active time, although it is categorized differently)
– Minimum number of messages: 1500

These goals are global goals and apply to all games and locations owned by McDonald’s & Partners.


Lowered Quota for Special Reasons

If you have a disability or are occupied with important commitments, you may be eligible for a lowered quota or complete removal of it.

To apply, please contact our support team at meruta.freshdesk.com, attach valid proof, and provide a valid reason for your request.

Eligible Reasons for Lowered Quota:

  • School Special Programmes (e.g., Erasmus for EU students)
  • Exams
  • Educational Trips
  • Work Commitments
  • Other Reasons (to be evaluated by our team)

Eligible Reasons for Quota Removal:

  • Any Disability (full removal)
  • Loss of a Family Member (temporary removal)
  • Hospital Recovery (removal for the recovery period)


Leave of Absence (LOA) Limits

  • 1-5 days LOA: Maximum 2 every month. Request on ReAdmin.
  • 10-15 days LOA: Maximum 1 every 2 months. Contact via support system.
  • 15-30 days LOA: Maximum 1 every 6 months. Contact via support system.
  • 30-90 days LOA: Maximum 1 every year. Contact via support system.


We recommend adhering to the quotas to increase the likelihood of your LOA being accepted.

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